Our Books

What we say out of our mouths to start the day is extremely important! Solomon, one of the wisest men in history stated: "The right words spoken at the right time, are like apples of gold in pictures of silver!" That means that I can, indeed, change the course of my life by what I say! Let's begin to practice speaking Life, not death, for "death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." (Proverbs18:21)
Why not begin with purchasing "Out loud and on Purpose: Using your words to change your destiny"?
It's a small devotional book that will make a big impact on your life. Whether you read the declarations for morning inspiration, afternoon pick me ups or evening meditations.; the declarations and affirmations in this book will empower you to speak joy to your life and push you forward to your Destiny!

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